About the Author
(& her little green friends)

LG Surgeson
LG is a writer who lives in a cottage in darkest rural Wales, with her wife & their four long-suffering cats. She has been telling tall tales for years and years, but has only just realised that she can draw well enough to let you meet her little green buddies. Her other works include the Black River Chronicles - a series of Fantasy Novels published by Next Chapter & a resource for teachers called 'Effective Teaching for Anxious Learners' published by Critical Publishing (this is considerably less fun but a lot more actual use - and it also contains LG's cartoons...)
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Goblins of Spoon
The Author's little green friends
Captain Dippn Flapdangl, Wizz-ud Montyzooma and Krust E Chunx (pictured to left) are just some of the goblins inspired by the roleplay & story telling characters created by LG & her real-life friends. Others, like Mothetun Weezelstoll and Knickaboka Smah!typantz esq are purely the residents of LG's imagination.
JeyJ A Spline - the trainee goblin hero - was created for (NOT based on) her godson JJ.
As far as LG can tell, the goblins enjoy appearing in their storybooks and would love you to enjoy them too.
It should be noted that every effort has been made to ensure that no goblins are injured in the telling of these stories but frankly, sometimes the little baskets do it to themselves.
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